Supports In Employment
Using your CB Finding and Keeping a Job budget
These supports focus on assisting people with disability related behaviours and addressing complex needs in the workplace. Our team work closely with your Allied Health Employment Provider to scaffold your employment around your needs and eliminate barriers, triggers and build your skills in the workplace.
Our services include direct supervision to support participants in maintaining meaningful engagement and productivity at work.
By providing tailored, on-the-job assistance, Alyv supports participants to overcome challenges and confidently participate in their workplace environment, fostering a supportive and inclusive experience.
This support item is not available through SLES funding unfortunately, the funding item in the NDIS Price guide is as follows:
Support on the Job
Some participants will require support on the job after commencing employment. Introducing the support worker who will continue support in the workplace will increase the likelihood of the participant maintaining their employment. These items are available as an interim measure until a new plan is developed to include the necessary ongoing core supports.
This means we will work alongside your employment provider to provide these supports until such a time that your new plan includes these supports in your Core Funding.